
is developing a novel treatment for patients with tricuspid valve regurgitation

Tricuspid regurgitation

Patients worldwide
with at least moderate TR
2-years mortality rate
TR ≥ severe
Patients remain untreated
Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) is a pathology of the aging society which affects over 13 million patients worldwide and represents an unmet clinical need. In more than >70% of cases tricuspid regurgitation is related to right ventricle dilation causing papillary muscle dislodgement leading to tricuspid valve leaflets tethering. Patients are usually frail, often hospitalized, with poor quality of life, and the pathology is associated with a 2-year mortality rate of 50%. Chronic volume and pressure overload progresses towards right heart failure which worsens the prognosis. Today, nearly 99% of tricuspid regurgitation patients are denied an open-heart surgery because of high mortality risk.
Topilsky et al. (2019), Nath et al. (2004)


Minimally invasive
tricuspid valve repair
system based on
ventricular reshaping approach
sketch of a hearttechnology-removebg-preview-1
Swipe left to treat tricuspid regurgitation with Approxima device

Target the root cause of the pathology

Ventricle and annulus reshaping

(in-vivo data)

Tricuspid regurgitation reduction

(in-vivo data)

Quick and simple implantation procedure

IP protected in strategic geographies

Core team

photo of team member

Michal Jaworek, PhD

CEO and Co-Founder

photo of a team member

Edoardo Maroncelli

CTO and Co-Founder

photo of a team member

Paolo Denti, MD



photo of a team member

Umberto Pasquali


photo of a team member

Barbara Castellano

Board Member

photo of team member

Michal Jaworek

Board Member

photo of a team member

Edoardo Maroncelli


photo of a team member

Alice Ravizza


photo of a team member

Michele Alloni


Scientific Board

photo of a team member

Paolo Denti, MD

Progressive Cardiac Surgeon at San Raffaele Hospital (IT)

photo of a team member

Nina Ajmone Marsan, MD PhD

Cardiologist & Imaging Expert at Leiden University Medical Center (NL)

photo of a team member

Guido Gelpi, MD

Hybrid cardiac surgeon at Policlinico of Milan (IT)

photo of a team member

Claudia Romagnoni, MD

Cardiac surgeon at Policlinico of Milan (IT)


LSI Europe 2023

Approxima closed a € 1.6M seed financing round for the development



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